Macro photography is like microscopy, you can see details that are normally not visible to the naked eye. However, the effect is not so extreme when using macro
photography, but you can see amazing things. An excursion to the nearby strawberry fields, equipped with the right lens brings a lot of surprising pictures. I was intrigued by the bumblebees
sitting on the hawkbit. When processing the pictures I noticed the pollen in the coat of the animal. However, at ISO 1600 you can see some background noise of the Canon 600D. In the corner of the
field, I found also some nice blooming corn poppy.
Kameramodell Canon EOS 600D; Aufnahmedatum/-zeit 12.07.2015/ 10:11:12; Tv(Verschlusszeit) 1/200; Av(Blendenzahl) 16; Filmempfindlichkeit (ISO) 1600; Objektiv EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM; Brennweite 100.0mm; Bildgröße 5184x3456; Bildqualität RAW.
Kameramodell: Canon EOS 600D; Aufnahmedatum/-zeit: 12.07.2015/ 10:00:47; Tv(Verschlusszeit): 1/640; Av(Blendenzahl): 2.8; ISO: 100; Objektiv: EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM; Brennweite: 100.0mm; Bildgröße: 5184x3456; Bildqualität: RAW.